It’s simply hard to believe that this semester has come to an end. It seems like just yesterday it started. I remember coming into life drawing extremely nervous for the tasks I was to take on, as I had NO idea what to expect. Of course with time and a wonderful teacher things changed and I think that this class was an incredible experience for me.
In past drawing classes the drawings have always been about shading and contrast for the most part. In this class however we really learned to take on new feats. For instance drawing the gestures of the human body. This is a quick drawing that really makes a person focus on describing what you see in quicker strokes and lines. For me this was probably my biggest challenge through out the whole course. I typically take longer because I like to really study what I am drawing before I make a line but in the case of gesture drawings I really needed to just draw. So hopefully when I take on life drawing II my gesture drawings will get even better. Then there were our contour lines, which we used in some of our longer poses. These are also the lines, which really define the form of the body. Instead of using value or shading to create depth these lines allowed us to show that the object (body) was 3-Dimensional. I really enjoyed using contours especially in my longer poses.
Then there were our mannequins. I named mine Eduardo. The mannequins to me were difficult. I think I had difficulty translating what muscles I saw in the book onto Eduardo at times. So this was frustrating along with the clay becoming to hot and wanting to stick to everything. However as much as I disliked building Eduardo I also thought that he was important. Becoming aware of the different muscles helped me to understand the body better and also allowed me to represent many of the muscles within some of my longer poses.
So, looking back at my first blog post you can see an extreme difference between now and then. I think that it’s visible that I did learn a lot. Personally I do feel like I am leaving the class comfortable with the things I have learned and I look forward to exploring and building on these concepts again in Life Drawing 2 next semester.
Here is the link to my final Final Portfolio
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