Sunday, February 27, 2011

Week 5 time to recap and move forward

Note of the
Frontal view of Pelvis
As a result of a short week last week this week started off recapping some of the things we learned. Which was really good in my case as i couldn't exactly remember how to draw some of the angles of the pelvis. Fortunately i think i'm starting to get it now. The area i was having most difficulty with was understanding how to draw the front view of the pelvis. However now i understand which points i need to look for and things are looking considerable better.
Side View
This week we also worked on adding the femur to our drawings. For my gesture drawings i thing i need to learn to quicken my pace as i sometimes fail to get to this part of the drawing. However we also worked on a longer pose this week. We had an hour long pose and which i really like having the opportunity to do so because it really allowed me to study the things that i don't really get the opportunity to do so in my gesture drawings. One thing that i found difficult with the hour long pose was that after break the some of the things shifted in my picture so i found myself attempting to fix these things longer then i probably should have.
Well, hopefully next week progression will only continue and i can learn to quicken my pace in the gesture drawings. 
Back view

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week 4 was a short week but full of support for our educators.

This week was a short week for us. With the happenings in Wisconsin we took some time out of our class period to go support our public workers, which include our teachers. They put so much time and effort into making sure that we receive a good education that I am so glad that we were given the opportunity to make our voice heard for them. I can only hope that the future of education in Wisconsin is protected and that our Governor reconsiders what he is asking of this select group of people.
In life drawing this week we did do some drawing allowing us to add onto our concepts we have already learned. The week we added on our pelvic region and hips. We discovered how this part of the body looks from each angle.  Personally I think I need to work on this a little more. We didn’t get to spend a lot of time on this region so I think being able to study it more will help me understand the curves of this area from each angle you look at it. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Can it really be week 3?

Hello again!

Wow, can it really be the end of week 3 already? This is also an exciting thought though since this means that there is also a great deal of progression that is coming along. In life drawing this week we continued to build upon our knowledge of the body with our gesture drawings, contour drawings, as well as learning about the muscles through our sculptures.

Contour Drawing
Gesture Drawing
including the ribcage
I am still learning so much from this class and i can certainly see the progressions from each week but, i still have a long ways to go in my studies of the body. In the drawing aspect of this weeks class we brought into play the rib cage. In our drawings the rib cages is the egg like shape that is found towards the upper area of the vertebrate by the neck. We also worked on more contour drawings which i felt went considerably better this time. I am starting to become more aware of how these kinds of drawings work and i can't wait to see how they progress with the semester. In general i think having the new knowledge of the ribcage this week has helped to develop the idea of space in all of the drawings this week.

Eduardo's new Muscles!
Then there is Eduardo. This week he is starting to look more and more human like. Our homework from the week had us studying over the muscles in the abs, glutes, and hips. As the modeling part of our class continues i am discovering that sometimes it is difficult for me to really grasp what the muscles look like. However when I finally get it right it is highly rewarding and i find it to be another tool that will really tie into visualizing what I also see on the outside of the body.

Well i guess that was week 3, 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week 2 and it ends with a little green and yellow.

Hello again,

First off I just have to say GO PACKERS! I'm sure by now you know that they have won the super bowl. So, being a Wisconsin girl I'm pretty thrilled about the victory tonight. 

Beginning to Build Eduardo's muscles. 
Now, as for this past week in life drawing we learned several things. This week we broke down our drawings into specific areas of the body. In this process we continued to work on our contour drawings but this time we only worked on creating parts of the spine. Something important we could take from this lesson is that everything starts here.  Other things we learned were that some of the curves in the spine such as the primary curves, which include the thoracic and sacral, stay the same. Where as such parts of the spine as the cervical & lumbar counter balance the primary curves depending on what the model is doing.
Muscle Progression

We also starting learning about muscles and were given our first assignment to start building some of the muscles in our body. This week we started to focus on the Spinal erectors. So far my skeleton, Eduardo, has only made it into the first part of the assignment. However, I can already tell that building these muscles will help to improve my understanding of the body as a whole. And of course having a better understanding of the body will also allow me to hopefully be able to draw it better since it will allow me to see things on another level.

- Ashley